Sometimes you just have to put a period on something that has to end, and not just settle for a comma. It’s because time will come and you’ll realize that it’s nice to see a complete sentence, rather than seeing a phrase that’s completely hanging and doesn’t make any sense.
If it’s real and if it’s true love, then it’ll always be there. You can pretend it’s gone and even move on but that love, it’s still there in the depths of your mind. Sometimes a single object or a song triggers it all, and you’re right back where you started, in the arms of the one you lost.
If you have to try and convince yourself that you don’t care about someone, you definitely care about them more than you think.
Everytime I hear people say ‘what a small world…’ I kept on wondering why. If the world is small, why is it that most of us hasn’t found what makes us happy?
If you want to know where you heart is, look where your mind goes when it wanders. Love will always stray into the place you least expect.
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